About Us

June 15th, 2016


恒中纸艺学会是由一群热爱纸艺的同学们所组成的非学术团体, 本学会的宗旨是为了加深学生对纸艺的认识以及发扬纸艺这门学术及培养学生的意志力和思考能力。每一年学会都会进行剪纸比赛以发掘在剪纸艺术有潜能的会员。而在一年一度的家长日展览会上,更是可以让学生的作品展现在众人前。


Heng Ee Origami Club is a non-academic club organised by a group of students who love the art of origami. Our aim is to expose our members to the creative art of paper folding and paper cutting. Origami trains our members to learn concentration and patience and tap their creative talents. Our annual paper cutting competition gives our members an opportunity to show their creative skills in a competitive spirit, The annual parents’ day exhibition also showcase the best of our members’ creative talent through the many artistic and creative origami and paper cutting pieces on display to the public.

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